Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bad news...

I've been having a lingering ache in my right leg, upper hamstring area for about a month now. It has progressively gotten worse, nothing more that a bad ache, but my biggest fear is that the more I ran the more I was injuring myself to the point that one day I wouldn't be able to run anymore. So I decided to get it looked at. Good news, nothing serious. Bad news, no running for two weeks! So bummed!! And all my girlfriends are headed out for a long run in the morning WITHOUT ME!!! Doctor said that the area where the hamstring joins to the bones is irritated or inflamed or something like that. Probably an overuse injury. Anywho, nothing two weeks of rest and physical therapy shouldn't take care of. I'm not sure how I'm gonna handle two weeks without running. I've already been trying to come up with some alterior modes of crosstraining. Maybe this will be good for me. Think outside of the running box a little bit. Anywho, will check back in a couple of days and let ya know how everything is going......

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