Saturday, April 24, 2010

5 miles +

So it rained and stormed all night long, but was clearing just enough that it looked like we could get in the Couch to 5k run this morning. We had about 8 or so ladies show up. The scedule this week is to run for 90 seconds and then walk for 2 minutes and then repeat for 20 minutes. So we met at the track at 6:00am and went through that. The ladies did a fantastic job and I think probably could have ran more. We covered a total of 1.5miles.

Then Jennifer and I wanted to do a long run so we parked at the rink and ran main street Daphne. We had a great run!!! We both struggled at times because there were some pretty good hills, but we kept going. We finished 5 miles!!!! My big relay is this Thursdy and so we didn't want to do any more miles than that. I definatly don't want to push myself too hard right before my relay. I've been training for this relay for months and so excited (and a little nervous) that it is so close. So then, Jen and I sat there and talked FOREVER. I walked in the door at home with Chris saying 'Don't you have a hair appointment at 10:00?'. It was 9:45!!!! And I was still all sweaty and gross!!!! So I hurried to put some dry clothes on and walked back out the door. So as I sit here and type I am also sitting here under the hair dryer. Over all a busy, but productive morning. I can't wait to get home and hang with the family!!!


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