You would not BELIEVE what has happened!!!! So.... while jogging one night, or maybe over the course of several runs, my friends and I had the idea of creating a beginners running class for ladies in the community. As we started working on the details of the running program we began calling our little running group the
Sole2Soul Sisters. We started setting dates and coming up with a plan and making flyers and publicizing the new Ladies Couch to 5k running program. We put flyers up at church, at the YMCA, sent them with friends. This could be a VERY long story, and a lot of work was put into this...but to save you some time I'll get to the point.....Yesterday was our first meeting and we had 49 LADIES SHOW UP!!!!! It was incredible!!! We are just so excited to be able to share our love of running with these ladies and hopefully get them on the track of a healthier, more active lifestyle. I just can't tell you how exciting it all was. Here are a few pictures......
A few of the ladies waiting for the meeting to get started....

Us all stretching before we run....

I'm just so excited for all these ladies!!!
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