Goodness. Life is just getting so busy lately. Between work, home, running, and trying to keep a running blog I just barely have any time to sleep. I will try and do a better job of keeping my blog up to date. Only about 22 days left until the big relay. I hope I am gonna be able to handle the trip!!!
Ok, so this past weekend Coop and I went up to Corner for the big annual Batson family reunion. Friday morning my brother and I went for a run. We ran 3.37 miles. This wasn't just ANY 3.37 miles. I promise you it was uphill the WHOLE way!!! Ok, so maybe there were a few downhill moments....but I haven't been running any hills so this was a whole new experience for me...and ya know what....I LOVED IT!!! I felt so accomplished after I got finished. Very proud of myself.
Ok, the next run came last Monday night. Met some of the girls and we ran exactly 4.5 miles and we increased our pace a little bit too. It was an EXTREMELY good run!!!
Chris has started a new project at work and it has him working a lot of nights which means no running for me. I even set my alarm clock for 4:00 this morning so I could get up and run before work, and he wasn't even home yet. So, I went back to bed. He finally got home around 6:30 (he WAS working....I promise!!!). Just in time to take the boys to school. He is going to be working on this project all month so I am worried about getting my training in before the relay. BUT...he is the one working really hard and not getting much sleep so I really shouldn't be complaining.....
The annual Batson reunion....don't try to find me...I'm the one taking the picture!!!!
I'm just adding this picture because I liked it. Coop and his two cousins...Madison and Megan
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