The boys and I had plans to go over and spend the night with my brother, Charlie, and his girls. My sister in law, Patti, and my niece baby sat the boys for me as Charlie and I went over to Pensacola to run the 31st Annual Mcguire's St. Patrick's Day Run (a prediction run). It was CRAAAAAAZYYYYY. Over 10,000 runners!!!! I had a hoot though!!! I predicted I would finish in 33:18. I finished in not to shabby!!! It was a good, flat and easy, beautiful run. It felt like the wind was blowing 40mph, but other than that it was perfect race weather!!!! Here are a few pics...
My brother and I
Old man in the bagpipe band...
It is AMAZING how motivated you can get when you have Marines running up on your heels chanting. I took this video as they passed me. I tried keeping up, but couldn't. I was dissapointed they weren't in some sort of uniform. THAT would have been COOL!!!
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